May 2024 - Did you know that Bulls are known for their soothing voices? And on May 7, a new moon in your confident first house helps you express yourself in an unwavering, self-assured way that brings you a lot of attention. Finding someone who agrees with your basic opinions matters now.

On the fifteenth, your trustworthy sign also starts hosting Mercury, the cosmic messenger, so you really mean what you say and say what you mean. Potential lovers and partners you’re talking to now might not be used to someone being so straightforward with them, but they’ll get used to it (and eventually love it).

The sun has been traveling through your sign this past month, but on May 20 it moves on into Gemini, an air sign that’s much less reserved than you. Use the flexibility you gain now to open yourself up to new experiences and diverse people, Taurus. The coming weeks can be incredibly mind opening.

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More Horoscopes for Taurus

Taurus Compatibility and Traits

Taurus Sign Compatibility

Taurus Star Dates and Traits


No one will expose you to the finer things in life quite like a Taurus.

This fixed earth sign has impeccable taste and loves to indulge. They tend to be financially responsible, but still know how to treat themselves and the ones they love. Though they do have a stubborn streak, this member of the zodiac is incredibly loyal and reliable.Learn More

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