May 13, 2024 - May 19, 2024 - The sun is in security-seeking Taurus this week, and its meetup with “coloring outside the lines” Uranus on Monday gives you just enough doubt to start overthinking things waaaaay too much. Realistically, you know there’s probably nothing going on behind your back, but you hate being made a fool.

On Thursday, wise asteroid Pallas is retrograde when it backs up into your intense sign, sending you on a quest for deeper knowledge about your partner and your relationship. Can you really find out what you want to know by asking questions? If there are other ways to find the answers you seek, Scorpio, you’ll figure out what they are.

Late in the weekend, a sun-Neptune sextile increases your intuition and imagination, which could give you some very vivid daydreams. As far as you’re concerned, reality is overrated. Thinking about all kinds of romantic scenarios (starring your SO or not) puts you in the mood for love.

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More Horoscopes for Scorpio

Scorpio Compatibility and Traits

Scorpio Sign Compatibility

Scorpio Star Dates and Traits


Mysterious, charismatic, brave, and magnetic, Scorpios are hard to ignore.

They are extremely intuitive and make natural psychologists with an ability to easily read those around them. They form intense bonds with their friends and romantic partners, but they can become possessive or jealous if they're not completely confident with themselves.Learn More

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